2019 Crossfit Open and Thoughts on Fitness and Mental Health!

-negative thoughts-

Common thoughts that I have throughout the day:

“I have to pee”, “I wish I was better at waking up early”, “My dog is so cute”, “Shit, it’s messy in my apartment/car/desk”, “Damnit, I have so much work to do!”, “I have to pee again”, “I need to be better at this”, “I suck at this.” “I WILL NEVER GET MY TAXES DONE!”, “I have to pee”, “I really want some chipotle.” “Man how do I have to pee again?” “I forgot to text her back, I’m such a bad friend”, “I don’t think I can finish this.” “I need to be better.” “I am not good enough.” AND ON AND ON AND ON

Ever heard of mindfulness technique? I’ve been practicing it lately. Basically, it’s becoming more aware of your subconscious stream of thoughts. You know, the thoughts we don’t mean to think, but just pop into our heads. practicing this has made me realize two things:

  1. I am really effing hydrated.

  2. I have a lot of shame and negativity swirling around in my brain.

Doing Crossfit at Kalamazoo Strength and Conditioning forced these incessant, never ending shameful thoughts to slow down. I’ve become strong not just physically but mentally too. When I’m in these workouts, the only thing I can think is:


I wish I came to this all on my own but I sure freaking didn’t. This comes from the coaches and my peers literally shouting these mantras throughout the entire workout. Although I am at the gym for only 1-2 hours a day, the power of these positive thoughts are beginning to spread like a sweet little virus throughout my whole entire day. I am starting to observe more and more subconscious “I CAN” statements when I think about working on things in my business, relationships, and other hard things in my everyday life. So now instead of “I’m not good enough,” I hear myself think,

“I am can do it. I am capable. I am good enough. I am strong. I still have to pee.”

and as a pretty famous guy says,

“your beliefs become your thoughts. your thoughts become your words. your words become your actions. your actions become your habits. your habits become your values. your values become your destiny.” -mahatma gandhi

Positive destiny = confidence, happiness, better relationships, being/doing better in my business, etc. etc. IT’S ALL TIED TOGETHER. AHHH

-crossfit open 2019-

Below are some photos that I loved capturing during the Crossfit 2019 Open - an insanely cool, awful, fun, terrible, challenging, awesome competition that takes place over the course of five consecutive Fridays. I am proud to have participated in and photographed in the Open and more so, had so much fun going out for beers after with the whole gym crew.

If you want to learn more about the Open check it out at: Crossfit Open. If you want to learn more about the incredible community I found at Kalamazoo Strength and Conditioning go here. Or find your own thing. Move. Hard. Alone. Or with a group. No excuses. Do it.

and whatever you decide to do, do it consistently.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk everyone.